07708546618 [email protected]

Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique is an effective and powerful soft tissue therapy.

The Bowen ‘move’ stimulates nerve endings by working over your fascia (the soft connective tissue i.e. the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves that holds your body together). This creates a change to the tissue allowing the body to ‘fix’ itself.  

By assessing your body pre, during and post treatment, I use the Bowen Technique to identify and target the root cause of dysfunction within your body. This dysfunction can often manifest itself as aches and pains, physical and emotional stress, imbalances within the pelvis, spine and skull, and / or issues with posture and movement.

What is the aim of Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Technique is a powerful and effective way of treating muscular and structural issues in the body. By assessing and treating the whole body, it can often find resolution where other methods have failed, giving it the potential to fix a wide variety of different issues.

As with sports & remedial massage, I don’t diagnose, treat, or claim to cure any medical conditions, but problems the Bowen Technique may support with include:

Aches and joint pain, including muscle tension and sciatic type pain

Posture, movement and body alignment

Digestive problems


Stress and anxiety

Support with recovery from injury

General feelings of improved health and wellbeing

How many treatments will I need?

This will depend largely upon:

  • The reason you’re seeking support – and whether it’s for one or multiple issues
  • How long you’ve been dealing with the issues you’re seeking support for
  • Your lifestyle 

As a new client you will be booked in for 3 sessions – each one roughly a week apart. We will then discuss ongoing treatment if required, this can range from monthly to once or twice a year depending needs or if maintenance is desired.

Assessment Led Bowen Therapy is a targeted approach.

The assessment techniques will enable me to find and target your “primary dysfunction”, the underlying cause of your problem.

The treatment techniques will allow me to quickly and efficiently correct the cause of your symptoms.

Using the same assessment techniques, I’ll be able to get confirmation that my intervention has been successful.

I had decided to train in this therapy due to the positive experience I have had with Bowen therapy. Within a few sessions, the lower back issues I had suffered with had cleared thanks to the primary dysfunctions being assessed and located as tightness in my calf muscle as well as my neck which was causing an imbalance of tension throughout my body. The longer term relief was really noticeable and as such I strongly believe in this technique as a method of helping with muscular imbalance amongst it’s other benefits mentioned above.